Student Think Tank for Europe-Asia Relations
The world's first Europe-Asia Student Think Tank
Established in 2021
The Student Think Tank for Europe-Asia Relations (STEAR) aims to strengthen relations and deepen cultural ties between the billions of people living across Europe and Asia.
Our vision is to serve as the first and leading policy institute for students and young professionals in Europe and Asia, to provide a bridge between the two continents, and to strengthen multilateral cooperation and international prosperity.
Our mission is based on three foundations: policy work; cultural exchanges; and our capacity building programme.
Our Milestones
Represented in our Team
Event Participants
Blogs Published

Maximise the Number of Young People in the Asia-Europe Research and Cultural Space
We provide young people with the opportunity to participate in, and interact with, the policymaking process through our policy publications, external events, and STEAR futures programme.

Build a Diverse and Inclusive Community
We aspire to form a community that transcends geographical boundaries and is formed upon shared interests, utilising the power of community-led learning to bring people together.

Strengthen Mutual Understanding Between Asia and Europe
We promote cultural exchange by running a range of activities, including our Global Village and our annual conference, and build subject knowledge through capacity building events.
Our Pillars
Our Activities
Our Values
We recognise the differences in opinion and mindset that living across continents produces, and consider them opportunities to learn from each other
We embrace the diversity of thought, opinion, and backgrounds and ensure equal and inclusive representation from across the two continents
We equip young people with the necessary knowledge and skills to serve as the change-makers and bridge-builders in Europe-Asia affairs.
What People Say About Us